Reflections of artificial intelligence on science education in Türkiye




Artificial Intelligence, content analysis, Science education, Education research


Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the studies of theses and research articles published in Türkiye related to the use of artificial intelligence in science education between 2010-2023 through the databases of "Google Scholar", DergiPark and "National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education" by descriptive content analysis method and to examine them in terms of various variables.

Method: A total of 35 publications, of which 17 were theses and 18 were articles, were considered appropriate for the study in question for descriptive content analysis. In this study, the publications retrieved from the relevant databases were examined in terms of their distribution according to keywords, types of research, sampling methods and sizes, data analysis methods, diversity of study groups, publication years, research methods and designs, and data collection instruments within the framework of the specified research questions.

Results: The results of the study indicated that 145 keywords were identified. The analysis revealed that the majority of the studies on artificial intelligence were research articles. However, it was observed that content analysis was the predominant data analysis method employed.

Suggestions: It is suggested that, in addition to the study of 'artificial intelligence' and its application areas, which are the focus of increasing academic research, further studies should be conducted on science education subjects.

Author Biography

Nail İlhan, İnönü Üniversity

Department of Science Education, İnönü Üniversity , Faculty of Education, Malatya , TÜRKİYE


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How to Cite

Aşcı, D., İlhan, N., & Karaaslan, E. H. (2024). Reflections of artificial intelligence on science education in Türkiye. International Journal of Education and Artificial Intelligence , 1(1), 39–58.