Publishing Policy & Ethics
International Journal of Education and Artificial Intelligence (IJEDAI) is a peer-reviewed, electronic, and scientific journal which adheres to the following ethical principles and considerations in order to publish articles in the field of education and artificial intelligence. Articles sent to IJEDAI for publication are reviewed through a double-blind process and published online. For the IJEDAI Journal, the ethical responsibilities, roles and duties for the journal editor, authors, reviewers and publisher are explained below.
The ethical duties and responsibilities in IJEDAI have been prepared by taking into account the ethical and publication policies of internationally journals and the guidelines published by the “Committe on Publication Ethics” - COPE as open access. In other matters not mentioned in IJEDAI, COPE's ethical principles are taken into account.
The editor-in-chief can take part in determining the of the editorial board/Editor and improving the quality of the journal. If the Editor-in-Chief sees necessary, he/she may assign an Editor for the article or may conduct the scientific assessment of the article himself/herself. Authors/Editors/Reviewers must be taken into consideration the ethical codes: Authorship, Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism), Data fabrication / data falsification, Duplicate submission, Corrections and retractions, Human and Animal Rights, Conflicts of interest / Competing interests, Intellectual property
Ethical Responsibilities of Author(s)
The authors should submit their original works to IJEDAI in the field of education and artificial intelligence. All of sources used in the articles must be cited in accordance with the latest published style of the American Psychological Association (APA). Authors must certify that their manuscripts are their original work. Authors are expected to adheres to International Standards for Authors developed by the Committee on Publication Ethic (
'Copyright Transfer Form' must be filled out and upload by the corresponding author for articles submitted to the journal. Individuals who have not contributed to the study of a manuscripts must not be indicated as authors. Any studies published in any journal or as a book cannot be sent to IJEDAI.
Authors cannot submit their study, which is currently under review in another journal, to IJEDAI at the same time. If there are any conflicting interests regarding the submitted article, they must be declared. It should be stated whether the submitted articles are derived from conferences/thesis/projects and similar research. Articles published in full text (proceeding paper) at conferences cannot be submitted for publication for IJEDAI.
For studies requiring human participation, authors are required to obtain "Ethics Committee Approval" from the relevant institutions. In giving ethics committee approvals, such as the Declaration of Helsinki ( text=The%20World%20Medical%20Association%20(WMA,identifiable%20human%20material%20and%20data). It is important to verify that recognized standards are valid. If it is necessary, raw data regarding their articles may be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation processes. Authors are obliged to keep their raw data for at least 5 years after their articles are published.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
IJEDAI has adopted a double-blind peer review process for submitted manuscripts, which are reviewed by at least two reviewers. After the reviewers review process, in case of uncertainty, the final decision is taken with the opinion of the editor or a third referee. The reviewers are required to notify the editor of their decision as to whether the manuscript they have reviewed is publishable or not and their reasons for so doing so. The ethical responsibilities of Reviewers at IJEDAI are as follows: Reviewers are expected to read publishing principles, aim and scope of the IJEDAI. Reviewers must review the manuscripts related to their field of expertise. Reviewers must review manuscripts which they do not have any conflict of interests. Manuscripts must be evaluated by reviewers within the framework of unbiased and objective manner. Reviewers should use constructive, polite, and scientific language in review reports and reviewing process. Reviewers should not make comments that may be disrespectful, insulting, offensive or slanderous. Reviewers should complete the manuscript review process within a specific time frame given to them.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editors
IJEAI editors and field editors must adhere to the ethical responsibilities based on guidelines for editors published by "Committee on Publication Ethics" (COPE). The editor manages all processes until the manuscripts sent to the journal are published. The general responsibility of editors is as follows; Ensuring the general development of the journal, managing processes to increase the quality of studies published in the journal, updating the ethical policies together with other members of the journal's editorial boards. Editors must also adhere to the responsibilities listed below.
Relations with readers:
The editors should ensure that the non-peer-reviewed sections of the journal (letters, essays, etc.) are identified. The editors should make efforts to ensure that the articles published in accordance with the purpose and scope of the journal are align with the knowledge and skills of the readers. The editors should consider reader feedback regarding journal publishing, scope, and ethics.
Relations with the reviewers;
Editors must choose reviewers in related field of the study and update the pool of reviewers. Editors must provide necessary information for questions of reviewers about manuscript review process and remind reviewers about timing. Editors must ensure guidelines needed by reviewers during manuscript review process. Editors must be careful any conflict of interest between authors and reviewers. Editor should evaluate reviewers in terms of performance, timing, polite, and quality.
Relations with the authors;
Editors must provide the guidelines and a template needed by authors during the manuscript submission process. Editors must be careful about conflict of interest between authors and reviewers. Editors must to inform authors about publication, ethical policies, manuscript review process and timing. The editor must convey the information and reasons regarding the accepting or rejecting of the manuscript to the author within the specified time. If the authors decide to correct the article, the authors should be informed and given time to make the corrections. Editors must approve authors' requests to withdraw their studies under review process. Editors should evaluate authors’ objections to reviewers decisions/reports and, if necessary, initiate a new review process.
Relations with editorial board members;
Editors must provide information and guidelines to the editorial board members about publishing and ethical policies of the journal. Editor should select and update the editorial board members who will contribute to the journal’s development. Editors should take into account feedbacks and the opinions of the editorial board in improving the journal. The editor should review and improve the journal publishing and writing rules with the editorial board. The editor should be able to assign responsibilities to members of the editorial board in some tasks in the development of the journal.
Journal Policy
Reviewing and Publishing Policy
Articles sent to IJEDAI for publication are reviewed through a double-blind process and published online. 'Copyright Transfer Form' must be filled out and upload by the corresponding author for articles submitted to the journal. Authors cannot submit their study, which is currently under review in another journal, to IJEDAI at the same time. All of sources used in the articles must be cited in accordance with the latest published style of the American Psychological Association (APA). Any studies published in any journal or as a book cannot be sent to IJEDAI. It should be stated whether the submitted articles are derived from conferences/thesis/projects. Articles published in full text (proceeding paper) at conferences cannot be submitted for publication for IJEDAI. All of sources used in the articles must be cited in accordance with the latest published style of the American Psychological Association (APA). All responsibility for the published articles/writting belongs to the author(s). Author(s) have the responsibility of all contents in the manuscript/article/writing.
Peer Review Process Policy
For publication, all manuscripts submitted to the IJEDAI are pre-reviewed by the Editor or Editorial Board in terms of scope and writing rules. Editor may reject the submissions which do not comply with the principles of the IJEDAI. The pre-reviewing process is completed in 10 days. After the pre-reviewing, all manuscripts are sent to at least two independent reviewer for blind peer review. The reviewers are asked to judge the scientific, validity, significance, and originality of manuscripts. The reviewer' assessment period is 30 days, this period can be extended if necessary. If the reviewer' assessment period is not completed on time, the editor may send the article to a new reviewers. If different opinions are expressed from the reviewers, the editor may send the article to a third reviewer for assessment. If there are the revisions recommended by the Reviewer/Editor, the time required for the authors to make these is a maximum of 30 days. The publication process begins for articles accepted for publication by the Editor/Editorials board. The final revised of the articles in accordance with the IJEDAI writing format is performed by the author(s). After the proofreading process, volume, issue and page numbers is assigned and the manuscript appears in Online First section. Article withdrawal cannot be made for manuscript that have been peer-reviewed and accepted. If there are the revisions recommended by the Reviewer/Editor, the time required for the authors to make these is a maximum of 30 days. The publication process begins for articles accepted for publication by the Editor/Editorials board. The final revised of the articles in accordance with the IJEDAI writing format is performed by the author(s). After the proofreading process, volume, issue and page numbers is assigned and the manuscript appears in Online First section. Article withdrawal cannot be made for manuscript that have been peer-reviewed and accepted.
Plagiarism Policy of IJATE
The publishing rights of the published work belong to the journal. The IJEDAI is strictly against any plagiarism in any form. Authors must submit only entirely original manuscripts and appropriately cite or quote the work and/or words of others. Guidelines published by the “Committe on Publication Ethics” - COPE are taken into account. The COPE guidelines on plagiarism are followed.
APA style are used in quoting and citing sources. Manuscripts submitted to the IJEDAI is checked for originality using anti-plagiarism software like Turnitin/ iThenticate. The similarity rate of the accepted manuscript must be not exceeded the rate of 20%. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association(7th ed.).
Publication Fee
International Journal of Education and Artificial Intelligence (IJEDAI) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online free journal. There is no publication fee.
Licencing and Copyright Policy
Any studies published in any journal or as a book cannot be sent to IJEDAI. Authors have their copyrights under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC. 'Copyright Transfer Form' must be filled out and upload by the corresponding author for articles submitted to the journal.
Open Access Policy
All papers are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. IJEDAI is an "open access" journal and adopted the “open access policy”. The content of the International Journal of Education and Artificial Intelligence is licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License