An alternative teaching tool: Creative comics [Alternatif bir öğretim aracı: Yaratıcı çizgi roman]




Creative comics , Educational comics, Creative writting, comics


In order for educational activities to be more effective, teachers use various teaching tools in the teaching process. This situation puts the stakeholders of education in search of various teaching tools to increase the efficiency of educational activities. One of the teaching tools that this search has revealed is the creative comic. The aim of this study is to discuss and introduce creative comics with their general characteristics. The current study is a reviev type of research. By examining the studies on comics in the existing literature, the characteristics of creative comics were revealed.

Creative comics attention as an effective alternative teaching tool for educational activities with four different uses. Creative comics can be used on the basis of completing the unfinished script, changing the existing script, writing a script for unscripted drawings, and adding facial expressions that reflect emotions.

Creative comics, which represent the combination of comics and creative writing, have many positive effects on educational processes. At the beginning of these positive effects are to make students active, to create a fun lesson environment, to attract attention, to facilitate teaching and understanding, to increase retention, to develop imagination and empathy. As a result, in this study, it has been revealed that creative comics are an alternative teaching tool that can be used for educational purposes.

Considering the theoretical framework of the creative comics put forward in this study, the use of artificial intelligence tools to create creative raw novels that can be used for educational purposes will make significant contributions to the research and the field. 


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How to Cite

Şentürk, M. (2024). An alternative teaching tool: Creative comics [Alternatif bir öğretim aracı: Yaratıcı çizgi roman]. International Journal of Education and Artificial Intelligence , 1(1), 59–74.

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